Starlink satellites, binoculars for astronomy, Betelgeuse, The Pleiades
“We’ll know in two weeks, when communication with Mars resumes, if Martians have visited our rovers.” Don Machholz Podcast-92-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-92-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-92-Map-3-M34Download Podcast-92-Map-4-Comet-29PDownload
"Two globular clusters in Scorpius"Don Machholz
I began to wonder: what am I missing?Does everyone else know something that I don’t?DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-35-A-Decade-of-Comets-Part-1Download Podcast-35-Comet-PositionsDownload Podcast-35-Map-1Download Podcast-35-Map-2Download Hits: 45