Unpredictable, inexplicable, once busted up, now busting out, gas and dust tail, small scale detail, written off as dead
Apparently it was misread
See Comet ATLAS, it is a splendid actress
What will it do next week, take a sneak peek
Will it be bright or bleak
Hits: 113
"These were cataloged by Charles Messier in 1781."Don Machholz
“We’ll know in two weeks, when communication with Mars resumes, if Martians have visited our rovers.” Don Machholz Podcast-92-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-92-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-92-Map-3-M34Download Podcast-92-Map-4-Comet-29PDownload
“This was a sweet spot for such discoveries: after many visual comet hunters left the field, and before the government-funded sky surveys took over.”-Don...