An eyepatch makes you see less,
So that you can see more
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"The crescent moon makes a nice pattern with Venus, Mars, and Saturn on Monday morning, March 28"-Don Machholz
"May our galaxy wrap its arms around you. I bet no one had ever said that to you before. In fact, it is already...
You can overcome some deficiencies with patient observing. And practice. The more you look, the more you see. Podcast-53-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-53-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-53-Map-3-M31-and-the-Square-of-PegasusDownload Podcast-53-Map-4-M77Download Podcast-53-Map-5-Evening-CometDownload Podcast-53-Number-of-Stars-in-the-Square-of-PegasusDownload