Canis Minor, is a famous old-timer. It is trying, to stay up with Orion.
Maybe Santa will give the elves the day off.– Don Machholz Podcast-74-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-74-Map-2-Morning-skyDownload Podcast-74-Map-3-Comet-7PDownload Podcast-74-Comet-PositionsDownload
Electric Socks, Three Comets and the Messier Marathon Podcast-10-Map-1Download Podcast-10-Map-2Download Podcast-10-Map-3Download Podcast-10-Map-4-MM-8Download Hits: 19
There once was a comet named ATLASWhose magnitude curve showed flatnessIt fragmented and scatteredAt the time it most matteredAnd it…DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-20-Map-1Download Podcast-20-Map-2-1Download Podcast-20-Map-3Download...