Astrology is not astronomy; astronomy does not care where the planets were when you were born. Astronomers are much more concerned about where they are tonight.
– Don Machholz
LUWD #0000 - PRETEST Pretest for new astronomy podcast by American amateur astronomer, Don Machholz. BUSINESS [email protected]
“When Albert Einstein was a boy, if he ever did anything stupidly, did people say to him: ‘hey, way to go, Einstein!’?”-Don Machholz Podcast-101-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload...
“Comets are scattered around the sky.”Don Machholz Podcast-95-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-3-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-4-Morning-SkyDownload