Venus and the moon together in our evening sky. A challenge worth a try.
Don Machholz
“This is a good week to look at the moon.”Don Machholz Podcast-105-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-105-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-105-Comet-Hunting-Hours-ExcelDownload Podcast-105-Comet-Hunting-Hours-PDFDownload Podcast-105-Meteors-and-SatellitesDownload
“Is it a bird, is it a plane? No kitty, that is the moon!”-Don Machholz Podcast-106-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-106-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload
Astronomy clubs, Betelgeuse, Messier Marathon Search Sequence Podcast-9-Map-1Download Podcast-9-Map-2-MoonDownload Podcast-9-Map-3-MM-6Download Podcast-9-Map-4-MM-7Download Hits: 22