"These were cataloged by Charles Messier in 1781."
Don Machholz“Charles Messier lived some two hundred years ago in France,from where he searched for comets, whenever he got the chance”Don Machholz Podcast-94-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-94-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload
Amateur astronomers from around the world working around the clock to confirm a comet. It doesn’t get better than that.– DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-61-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-61-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload...
We have seen pictures of the moon’s back side, and believe me, we have the more interesting side.– Don Machholz Podcast-69-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-69-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-69-Map-3-Comet-2020-R4-ATLASDownload Podcast-69-Map-4-M104Download