How can you determine Universal Time? One way is to call Greenwich and ask them what time it is there.
Does that moon look funny to you, or is it just me?DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-47-Map-1Download Podcast-47-Map-2Download Podcast-47-Delta-LyraeDownload
We have seen pictures of the moon’s back side, and believe me, we have the more interesting side.– Don Machholz Podcast-69-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-69-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-69-Map-3-Comet-2020-R4-ATLASDownload Podcast-69-Map-4-M104Download
This pod is a dolphin name DelphinusHiding in the Milky Way, due to its shynessNear the star Altair, one of the brightestUp in the...