How can you determine Universal Time? One way is to call Greenwich and ask them what time it is there.
You can overcome some deficiencies with patient observing. And practice. The more you look, the more you see. Podcast-53-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-53-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-53-Map-3-M31-and-the-Square-of-PegasusDownload Podcast-53-Map-4-M77Download Podcast-53-Map-5-Evening-CometDownload Podcast-53-Number-of-Stars-in-the-Square-of-PegasusDownload
Podcast-12-Map-1Download Podcast-12-Map-2Download Podcast-12-Map-3Download Hits: 66
Here is the surprising thing: 21 of the 26 individuals found their first comet during this decade, 1975 through 1984DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-37-A-Decade-of-Comets-Part-2bDownload Podcast-37-Map-1Download Podcast-37-Map-2Download...