“Charles Messier lived some two hundred years ago in France,
from where he searched for comets, whenever he got the chance”
Don Machholz
“Comets are scattered around the sky.”Don Machholz Podcast-95-Map-1-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-2-Morning-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-3-Evening-SkyDownload Podcast-95-Map-4-Morning-SkyDownload
The further north you live, the greater the effect. So, Santa Claus, this one's for you!DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-38-Map-1Download Podcast-38-Map-2Download Podcast-38-A-Decade-of-Comets-Part-2cDownload
Moonlight’s influence on astronomy, Charles Messier and his Objects, and the Messier Marathon. Podcast 4 Star Map 2 Podcast 4, Star Map 1 Hits:...