“So those are the three requirements for finding a comet: at the right place, at the right time and seeing faint enough to detect it.“
Don Machholz
Electric Socks, Three Comets and the Messier Marathon Podcast-10-Map-1Download Podcast-10-Map-2Download Podcast-10-Map-3Download Podcast-10-Map-4-MM-8Download Hits: 19
Cell phone lunar photography and Messier Marathon Search Sequence. Podcast-5-Star-Map-1Download Podcast-5-Star-Map-2Download Podcast-5-MM-Search-SequenceDownload Podcast-5-Promo-Photo-PDFDownload Hits: 44
Go out tonight to see Arcturus,Not as bright or blue as Sirius,It’s in Boötes you see,Above his left knee,A sight to behold for the...