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LUWD #0033 Remote Telescope Rental, SLOOH, Delphinus, comets
This pod is a dolphin name DelphinusHiding in the Milky Way, due to its shynessNear the star Altair, one of the brightestUp in the...
LUWD #0032 Astronomical League, comets, and an arrow in the sky
The constellation aim to know bettaIs the tiny arrow known as SagittaDON MACHHOLZ Podcast-32-Map-1Download Podcast-32-Map-2Download Podcast-32-Map-3Download Hits: 145
LUWD #0031 Eyepatches, Perseid Meteor Shower, Comet NEOWISE
An eyepatch makes you see less,So that you can see moreDON MACHHOLZ Podcast-31-EyepatchesDownload Podcast-31-Map-1Download Podcast-31-Map-2Download Podcast-31-Map-3Download Hits: 196
LUWD #0030 Comet NEOWISE, Teaching A Continuing Education Course
Podcast-30-Map-1Download Podcast-30-Map-2Download Hits: 193
LUWD #0029 Comet NEOWISE, meteor showers, M6, M7, M8 and M20
Comet NEOWISE left behind,A trail of hope and joy combined.A celestial gift to humankind, To help us through our daily grind.DON MACHHOLZ Podcast-29-Map-1Download Podcast-29-Map-2Download...
LUWD #0028 Comet NEOWISE, Saturn, Sagittarius, and observatories
It’s not too late to realize,the comet to see is NEOWISEDON MACHHOLZ Podcast-28-Map-1Download Podcast-28-Map-2Download Podcast-28-Map-3Download Podcast-28-My-Colfax-ObservatoryDownload Hits: 162